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#MySkyeBody Conversations - Amber Brown

#MySkyeBody conversation with Amber Brown!

She is a high-spirited yogi who puts fun and happiness at the forefront. With a firm belief in speaking positivity into being, it’s no wonder why she’s found success in her niche practice “Trap Yoga”. Read on to find out how North Carolina based Amber Brown is using yoga as a tool towards a body positive mindset and lifestyle.


Angel Top in Sipura, Mid Waist Fold Over Bottom in Apricot & Amun Kimono in Sipura| Isabella Top in Lipstick & Hipster Bottom in Panay

Skye: You are a vivacious yogi with an infectious smile, but what else would you like the world to know about you?


Amber: I take fun and my happiness very seriously. I'm intentional about choosing to do things I enjoy like traveling and spending time in nature. And even when I'm dealing with unpleasant situations, I always try to see how something can make me grow. Once I figure that out I can at least be happy about how I can be a better person from the experience. I make happiness a priority!


Skye: What does it mean to you to be body positive?


Amber: I believe that all bodies of all shapes, sizes, and abilities are a gift that should be respected with gratitude. On a personal level it starts with speaking about ourselves with love. Wake up every morning, blow a kiss in the mirror, like “Whew! I am FINE!”. Speak positivity to yourself and speak positively about others. Do all things in love. For example, every physical activity I do is because I love my body, not because I'm unhappy with it. 

''We have to continuously learn more about ourselves, so that we can accept who we truly are and not who outside influences tell us who we are.''

Skye: How has yoga helped your journey?


Amber: In my yoga practice, mindfulness meditations have taught me to take time for myself, so that I can focus on what I really want. With the physical aspect of yoga, I spend a lot of time and attention on deeply listening to my body. This helps me understand what my body needs and to explore what my body is capable of. Yoga has taught me how strong I can be.


Skye: What is your ultimate goal as a yogi and a yoga instructor as it relates to self-acceptance?


Amber: My ultimate goal is to support people's mind-body connection. We move through this world taking our bodies for granted. When we bring awareness to our thoughts and feelings and how they affect our body as well as, how what we're doing with our bodies affects our thoughts and feelings, we can learn so much about ourselves. We have to continuously learn more about ourselves, so that we can accept who we truly are and not who outside influences tell us who we are. I always intend for my yoga practice to be in service to that.

Skye: When we talk about fitness, we automatically think about muscular and lean. However, we know that this is unrealistic as healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes. What do you think it will take to see a shift in representation in the fitness industry?


Amber: More people living in love rather than fear will accelerate this shift in representation. We're moving from a culture of being fearful of other people's expectations or judgments and we're moving towards a culture of love, starting with ourselves. As we continue to promote wellness and self-love, more people will celebrate themselves. We are crowd-sourcing our representation, we're generating our own images. When people aren't afraid to say this is me, as I am, enjoying my life, the industry takes notice. They're going to have to change to keep up with what we are choosing for ourselves.


Isabella Top in Lipstick & Hipster Bottom in Panay | Angel Top in Sipura, Mid Waist Fold Over in Apricot & Amun Kimono in Sipura

Skye: If you could speak to your younger self, what would you say to her?


Amber: There is no if/then aspect to your own happiness. Never limit yourself to “if I lose this amount of weight then I can”, or “if I get this kind of job then I can”, or “if I have this kind of partner then I can”. You can be happy RIGHT NOW, exactly as you are. You simply have to choose your happiness. 


Skye: In one line, create your own affirmation that you would want other women to use and relate to.


Amber: I have everything I need to create my own happiness. 

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